answered by anonymous
Yes! Volume down button + power button works for my phone to screen shot.

answered by anonymous
Wahoo the down volume and power button to screen shot works on my phone :)

answered by anonymous
Doesn't work for me either i trued even holding it down but screen just locks

answered by anonymous
Volume down along with the top power button really does take a screen shot, you just have to keep trying until it catches.

answered by anonymous
Why doesn't this option work for me? (power+volume down)

answered by anonymous
This does work by volume down and power , its really easy do now down load free or buy a app

answered by anonymous
Volume down plus power button; hold for a couple seconds or your phone will lock

... you the possibility to take screenshots using a combination of buttons ... which indicates that the screenshot was saved successfully. You ... can find the screenshot in the Screenshots folder on you storage ...