answered by anonymous
Okay, but i get the error while trying to update, the only way i found around it is to download the app from any where other than playstore. Same apps, no problems, same time spent, as long as its not ...

answered by anonymous
If your Google play dont update check its settings open it and go to settings and see if auto update apps over Wi-Fi is checked then connect to a Wi-Fi network and see if it updates maybe other apps ...

answered by hariees
go to settings -> storage -> clear cache data
now go and download/update ur app on doing which u got this error
reason : when downloading a app if it is stopped due to some reasons the app which is ...

answered by phl
restart your device and try to update the apps again. worked for me

answered by anonymous
Get the amazon store app, that was the easiest work around for me

answered by anonymous
I got that message and after a few tries it suddenly worked... definetly a google play error.

answered by anonymous
I fixed it by allowing non-play store applications to be installed.
On SGS2:
Settings -> applications -> Unknown sources: put checkmark in the checkbox.
PS: lol with the guy with the long post

answered by anonymous
I got this error and it turned out to be a networking issue around an ip address conflict leading to TCP session failure during the download. TCP session failure can also result from excessive TCP ...

answered by anonymous
Update clean master by ks....
And then uninstall watsapp and then reinstall it back again after a reboot.!
This fixed my phone..
Life seems a lot simpler now ! :D
Cheers - !

answered by anonymous
I agree go to setting/Stirage/clearCache now download or uptade the things

answered by anonymous
Uninstalling the update on Google play store worked for me !!
I went to apps manager, went to google play, and uninstalled the updates.
That way it reset google play to original factory settings, and ...

answered by anonymous
For me, it was just a matter of finding a better 3G signal or hopping on the wifi.

answered by anonymous
Had the same problem and took a walk while searching for an answer. Connected to a WiFihotspot and fixed. My provider throttles bandwidth after 5 gig and it's the first time I've had this problem. ...

answered by anonymous
I went to update my google chrome from the google play™
then I met with error927
I am a software developer and I know why it occurred, due to
1)insufficient battery %
2)Slow internet connection ...

answered by anonymous
For me, the google play store apps don't update if i use 3g or wifi so the problem is google play!

answered by anonymous
... and at frst I keept geting a 927 error and thin I tryed to ...

answered by anonymous
... Google Play Account
Error 927 can be resolved by creating a new ... downloading the apps. This resolves error 927.
Clear Google Play Data ... You won’t receive error 927 Android.
Uninstall Recent Updates

answered by anonymous
Terima kasih tuan atas imformasinya lain kali aku akan berkunjung ke blognyaK

answered by anonymous
Is there really no way to fix problem except waiting?

answered by anonymous
I'm facing the error for all the applications which I'm trying to install or update. But works in wifi. What to do. How to solve this problem?

answered by anonymous
In my case it is Sprint's abysmally slow internet connection. If I switch to wifi it works.

answered by anonymous
Someone suggested to go to the manage application and force close the google store... for which the warning appears... still i went ahead and forcelly closed google store but didnt helped... also ...

answered by anonymous
Thank you Andrew! I been breaking my head over

Error 927 is an error which belongs ...