What is "Error 927" I receive when I want to update an application from Google Play?

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When I tried to update an application on my Android phone I received an "error 927" message. What is this related to?

24 Answers

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I went to update my google chrome from the google play™

then I met with error927

I am a software developer and I know why it occurred, due to 1)insufficient battery % 2)Slow internet connection (required 3G)
3)android was not updated properly 4)clean your browser's cache and restart it.

Happily upgraded chrome :)

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Had the same problem and took a walk while searching for an answer. Connected to a WiFihotspot and fixed. My provider throttles bandwidth after 5 gig and it's the first time I've had this problem. Seems I found the solution while this was loading but it is indeed one of your suggestions. Thanks.

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For me, it was just a matter of finding a better 3G signal or hopping on the wifi.

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Uninstalling the update on Google play store worked for me !! I went to apps manager, went to google play, and uninstalled the updates. That way it reset google play to original factory settings, and it worked!!!

No need for that other stuff. Thankyou

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I agree go to setting/Stirage/clearCache now download or uptade the things

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Update clean master by ks.... And then uninstall watsapp and then reinstall it back again after a reboot.!

This fixed my phone.. Life seems a lot simpler now ! :D

Cheers - !

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I got this error and it turned out to be a networking issue around an ip address conflict leading to TCP session failure during the download. TCP session failure can also result from excessive TCP windowing resulting from poor or busy networks

If you have to use a 3g network try ainly updating the apps one at a time instead of having auto-download try and get them all at once.

I would recommend: a. use wireless b. move somewhere else and reboot the device

unfortunately DHCP leases tend to persist for over a week so try not connecting to the affected network for a period of time. I would not recommend re-installing the device or changing the play account as this will not fix this kind of problem

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I fixed it by allowing non-play store applications to be installed. On SGS2: Settings -> applications -> Unknown sources: put checkmark in the checkbox.


PS: lol with the guy with the long post

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I got that message and after a few tries it suddenly worked... definetly a google play error.

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Get the amazon store app, that was the easiest work around for me

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