... the reason for you to root your phone?
if you want to ... if you have decided to root your phone than try 'Cyanogenmod'. It ...

huawei GSM-OMC 20.3 vertion ช่วยดาวน์โหลดให้หน่อยคร้าบ

download for huaweiu8860 2.3.6 root
download for huaweiu8860 update 4.0.3

answered by anonymous
me too i have myphone 858. Anyone knows how to root this? Please help.

answered by anonymous
i tryed and is not rooting please help me i want to root my phone 858

You could search, download and give a try to the z4root application. Don't know for sure if it will work, since the Huawei U8818 is quite a new model, but there's a chance.