Receiving a "File not found" error.

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asked by about The Ultimate Troubleshooter
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No problems with the computer, but just wondering:

I use Windows 7 x64 Professional. TUT lists many services as "file not found," yet they do exist and some are running. All files not found are in the C:\Windows\system32 directory, but not all services in this directory are "file not found."

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (236k points)
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If you use the application in a Windows 7 environment, make sure to run it as Administrator. Additionally, if you see that the application is not working normally in perfect launch conditions, it means it might not detect the resources correctly. This could be cause by compatibility or fake scanning or listing results. However, try using CCleaner and check if the same errors appear. You can use CCleaner as an object of reference because it's safe.

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Thanks, Robert CCleaner shows no problems. Just wondering why necessary system files such as LSASS.EXE are listed by TUT as "file not found" when they actually exist.

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