Chronological order of seen messages.

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asked by about Viber Messenger
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Are messages always delivered in chronological order?. For example, I am sending one message at 10.00 pm and a second one at 10.01 pm to the same person. Next day I am sending another message to the same person at 9.00 am. Message sent at 10.00 is delivered and read. Is it possible due to connection problems that the message sent at 10.01 to be delivered later than the message at 9.00 am. And if it happens what will be the hour indication next to the message originally sent at 10.01? Will it be 10.01 or the hour that was actually read the following day?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

All the messages sent are delivered in chronological order. It doesn't matter the way you send them because the server will deliver the messages in the order you have sent them. As Viber supports suggests, these things shouldn't be considered important because the status and the order might change randomly.

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