I have a problem registering on Tango.

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I have Galaxy S4 and I've downloaded Tango messenger, but when when I try to register for an account it says: "There is a problem with your device at this time. Please go to settings and try re-saving your profile". What should I do to properly starts Tango messenger?

commented by (120 points)

I need my old account I have problems verify code

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

The only thing you can do at this time is to remove Tango completely from your phone and then install it again. However, access the Recovery menu using Volume UP + Power Button when the phone is turned off and select Wipe Cache. Reboot the phone then install Tango from Play Store and attempt another registration. You need to have an active phone number in order to receive the activation call or SMS.

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