I have some problems after installing the program.

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asked by about HD Writer XE
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I have some problems after installing the program. Installation is OK but when I want to start Copy to PC or another program option I receive this message:

HD Writer stopped working A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.

This is the message and I tried several times to install and uninstall the program and I received the same message. I cannot use the program and I don't know the problem. Before I used it and was just fine. I have now Windows 7 operating system, but no message regarding the compatibility. What can I do? I have the original CD with HD Writer XE, and also the older one AE. I have 2 Panasonic AVCHD camera HS300 and Z10000. I'm from Romania and there are no other possibilities. Please give me an advice. Thank you.

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (236k points)

First identify your camera model and the visit the Panasonic website to obtain an update to the application. My advice is to completely uninstall the software then clean the registry entries with CCleaner and after that, install HD Writer and apply the updates. At the end, run the application as Administrator and it should work.

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Thank you, after several registry cleaner and program dezinstalation finaly is working. Now I can see my 3D movies. Good and prompt advice. Thank you again Robert!

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