Changing the contact names on a T7316E device.

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I want to change the contact names for internal lines. I'm using a T7316E device. Can you help?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

Firstly, log in to the Nortel T7316E admin account by pressing the FEATURE 2 6 6 3 4 4 keys. After that, press Next, wait the B. General Admin window to appear and press Show to select. Tap again Next to navigate to 2. Names option and press twice Show. Type the contact you want to edit, tap Change and using the numeric keys type the new name:

1 - 1 2 - ABC2abc 3 - DEF3def 4 - GHI4ghi 5 - JKL5jkl 6 - MNO6mno 7 - PQRS7pqrs 8 - TUV8tuv 9 - WXYZ9wxyz 0 - .–0() # - Space

    • Backspace

Check the official user guide for further information.

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