Compatibility of Address Book with Windows 7.

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asked by about Address Book for Windows
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The version 6.0 is not compatible with Windows 7. Which one do I need?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (14.7k points)

Try using compatiblity settings in windows 7. This could run any software made for previous versions of windows.

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No avatar answered by (236k points)
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There is no version of this application compatible with Windows 7. The only way you can make it work (or at least attempt to do it) is through the Program's Compatibility feature available within the Windows 7 OS. If you have the package, right click it and select Troubleshoot Compatibility. At this point Windows will give the best Recommended settings to launch the software. During the testing phase, you have an opportunity to try various settings while the software is working. Once it finished, Windows will ask you to keep the settings applied to the application. Accept the change and then you can use the application normally. Notice that from time to time bugs may appear.

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