How can I add background music to an e-mail?

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asked by (120 points)
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How can I add background music to an e-mail?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (9.6k points)

It could depend on the e-mail client software you are using.

To add background sounds or music to your emails in Windows Live Mail, Windows Mail or Outlook Express, you can do the following:

  • Start writing a new message in HTML format.
  • Select Format - Background - Sound... from the menu.
  • Use the Browse button to locate and choose the sound file that you want to be played in the background.
  • Specify whether you want the sound file to be played continuously or a certain number of times.
  • Click OK.
0 votes
answered by (220 points)

This is a great question and im glad you asked this question thanks Paul Malgey for your help with this question! Also if you just want to send a song with a message you can do that also with an e-card and add the music you want with the message you want to say in an e-card like what Care 2 e-cards and some of the other e-cards have that you can play music along with sending your messages alot of e-cards are free and dont cost a thing to send you may want to do this also its up to you the sender of the message

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