I'm trying desperately to find a free download that will enable the Targus sim card reader to work. All of them have been "free trial" which will limit my access.
This is free, have you tried it? http://simreader.sourceforge.net/
Another free app: http://agsm.sourceforge.net/
and one more: http://sourceforge.net/projects/cellularmgr/?source=recommended
None of the above worked for my SIM Card Reader.
Do you have any other ideas?
I know this is an old post and this sounds stupid, but I had a similar problem and tried all the above programs as well. My problem turned out to be the SIM card was upside down in the reader. The reader actually accepted the card upside down and Windows would assign a drive letter to it. After flipping the card over (with the gold contacts pointing down and going in first), that fixed it for me and I was successfully able to access the data using Sim Card Manager ( from https://sourceforge.net/projects/simcardmanager/ )
Hope this helps someone!