Will Ventura work on Windows 7 or 8?

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Will Ventura work on Windows 7 or 8?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (25.4k points)
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There is no such information on its official webpage. This application wasn't updated since 2002. But there are people who tried it on Windows 7 and 8, and they wrote on the Internet that it works properly. I suggest you try by yourself and see if it's working.

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I use Ventura from the very beginning and I still need all that stuff (big publications, brochures, contributions to periodicals and books etc.)-- work of more than 15 years -- for compilations,biography and other tasks. And I intend to use Ventura for further works. Now my experiences: V. ran pretty good and stable under Windows Vista (32bit). For my actual HP computer with 128 GB SSD under Windows 7 (64bit) I upgraded to W. professional and installed XP on Virtual PC: Ventura is extremely fast but needs a lot of time for the 'save' function. Now I have to find a solution for my notebook under Windows 8.1. Has anyone experiances with Ventura on a virtual mechine?

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