Using importData in S-Plus for Windows 7

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asked by about S-PLUS
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I've recently installed Windows 7 OS. Please look at the description of my problem, commands are in blue and error message is in red.

I was trying to use the importData function (as follows) to read data:

acc <- importData("C:\OncBU\figdat\acc.csv", type="ASCII") acc <- importData("C:\OncBU\figdat\faccess.sas7bdat", type="SAS7")

and this is the error I get:

acc <- importData("C:\OncBU\figdat\acc.csv", type = "ASCII") Problem in rsample(n, size = size, replace = replac..: Invalid random number seed: numbers must be between 0 and 63 Use traceback() to see the call stack Problem in rsample(n, size = size, replace = replac..: Invalid random number seed: numbers must be between 0 and 63 Use traceback() to see the call stack

Error during wrapup: Internal error: data for ref. count didn't point to a valid arena (0x7091ce0)

Further the interactive “ImportData” window yields the following error message: “Could not open file ‘C:\OncBU\figdat\acc’. Please enter a different filename.

For e.g., the ASCII file acc.csv is readable in R 3.0.2 without any errors. (command is acc<-read.table("C:\OncBU\figdat\acc.csv", header = T, sep=",")

The data is 650 rows and 76 variables.

Another thing is: each time I launch S-Plus, I see a message on my task bar that says “the color scheme has changed as S-Plus requires it” etc.

Can you help me understand whether it is my version of Windows 7 causes these problems or not? The installation instructions clearly say this version of S-Plus is compatible with both Windows XP and 7, so what could the issue be? Can you help me read the data?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (193k points)
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The official website of the developer doesn't work anymore. Because of that, you won't have the possibility to troubleshoot and diagnose the errors within the application. However, the issue with the task bar happens because the software isn't fully compatible. You may launch it in Administrative mode and use the built-in Help menu to obtain additional information.

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