I've recently installed Windows 7 OS. Please look at the description of my problem, commands are in blue and error message is in red.
I was trying to use the importData function (as follows) to read data:
acc <- importData("C:\OncBU\figdat\acc.csv", type="ASCII")
acc <- importData("C:\OncBU\figdat\faccess.sas7bdat", type="SAS7")
and this is the error I get:
acc <- importData("C:\OncBU\figdat\acc.csv", type = "ASCII")
Problem in rsample(n, size = size, replace = replac..: Invalid random number seed: numbers must be between 0 and 63
Use traceback() to see the call stack
Problem in rsample(n, size = size, replace = replac..: Invalid random number seed: numbers must be between 0 and 63
Use traceback() to see the call stack
Error during wrapup: Internal error: data for ref. count didn't point to a valid arena (0x7091ce0)
Further the interactive “ImportData” window yields the following error message:
“Could not open file ‘C:\OncBU\figdat\acc’. Please enter a different filename.
For e.g., the ASCII file acc.csv is readable in R 3.0.2 without any errors. (command is acc<-read.table("C:\OncBU\figdat\acc.csv", header = T, sep=",")
The data is 650 rows and 76 variables.
Another thing is: each time I launch S-Plus, I see a message on my task bar that says “the color scheme has changed as S-Plus requires it” etc.
Can you help me understand whether it is my version of Windows 7 causes these problems or not? The installation instructions clearly say this version of S-Plus is compatible with both Windows XP and 7, so what could the issue be? Can you help me read the data?