Can you help me because I can't get into the Recovery?

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Can you help me because I can't get into the Recovery?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

If you are trying to access the recovery menu on an Android phone, turn off the phone then press Volume Up + Power button until the Android logo appears. You can perform factory reset and any other file system operations from this location.

If you're referring to the system recovery of your PC, you might need to check the manual because you will have to press different key combinations. These key combinations are found in the manual.

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I press the power button + volume up but still can not enter recovery.,and only until the logo my lenovo a60 I've already changed the root and rom before this happens

commented by (3.1k points)
This is the correct way to enter Recovery menu for Lenovo A60. Try visiting the related question for additional details regarding this problem:

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