Unrecognised database format.

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asked by about Mineral Exploration Reporting Templates
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When I click on "New Project", I get the error message:

"Unrecognized database format" C:\Users\Rudy\AppData\Roaming\Department of Mines and Petroleum\MRT\database\MRT_1_3_1.mbd

Can you help with a solution?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (193k points)
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I have installed the application and it works normally. According to the error you see, the MBD is not a valid database file. Access the file and rename it to MDB as extension and it will work. As you can see in the image below, the application works correctly.

You can download it from the official website. I was able to fill the details, but I missed the Tenement number.

enter image description here

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