Where can I find a SIRI simulator where I can type in words for responses? Just want to have fun and don't know where to look.
I don't know of any Siri simulator or emulator, but there are some quite interesting AI bots that you can have fun with:
there kinda is i think its jest thing to talk to for pepole that have no gfs or fs(like me) the link is http://www.cleverbot.com/ if you wunt it to talk go to http://www.existor.com/
(p.s i know i misspeled a lot of words in this answer im jest to lazy to corete it)
Here is another site with a good SIRI simulator. http://www.unlock.my
a.l.i.c.e and cleverbot are the best simulators for writing in and answering. I found another simulator that moves and talks called elbot