Dazzle Hollywood DV Bridge for Mac

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asked by about Dazzle MovieStar
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Hello, I bought my Dazzle Hollywood DV Bridge several years ago and used it with great success until now. To transfer VHS/S-VHS cassettes to DVD, all I had to do was to make the proper connections from VCR through Hollywood Bridge to my Mac Power Book and burn the DVD. Unfortunately, this is no longer possible and I would like to know what I have to do in order to make the conversion. My questions are: is it now necessary to download Moviestar 5 and is it available for my MacBookPro?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (309k points)
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The problem nowadays is that Dazzle MovieStar is not available for Mac. The products from Pinnacle are not designed to work for this OS. If you check the new products, you will see that they are compatible with Windows only.

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