I want to convert my website to a PDF file with links intact. How do I do that?

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I have a mac and want to convert my website to a .pdf file with links intact so that I can upload it to my Kindle. Is that possible?

5 Answers

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No avatar answered by (9.6k points)
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Most tools (such as this free online one: http://www.web2pdfconvert.com/ ) will convert only the specified webpage and will save the structure of the links, but to be able to access those links you will need to have your Kindle connected to the Internet.

A more suitable solution seems to be the popular Adobe Acrobat (you can use its trial version for free for 30 days) - once downloaded and installed, you may click on the Create PDF > From Web Page button. Then a menu will open and ask for a url. Several options on how to proceed from here are provided. You can specify here to convert the whole website, but it is a good idea to stay on the server and even on the path, otherwise, the PDF could download and contain a lot of unrelated pages from other websites or areas of the same website.

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webpagepdf.com as the name suggests, is a simple service to save a web page as a PDF. Easily convert website of all formats. ie. Php, asp.net, flash etc. with just a single click. You can modify any of the options for rendering the HTML which allows you to tweak several advanced features. The process to convert a web page is simple. Just paste the URL and hit the “ Go”button, it will convert and download the page as a PDF. Quality wise, Webpage to PDF rendered accurate HTML and styling including all sorts of JavaScript based content All of the content will be exported to PDF file and your download will start immediately. There various customization features available for the users. Before you start your pdf conversion you can choose –

1) Paper Size ( A4, Letter)

2) PDF Orientation ( Portrait , Landscape)

You can modify the content of the pdf file. Our Customization panel includes various options

1) Add Url of Generated PDF

2) Insert a table of Contents

3) Cover Page : Use Webpage as Cover

4) Set the Title of the PDF.

The changes are in visual look and feel of pdf to be converted also include various options

1) Print Webpages/Website to Pdf without printing Background

2) Add Page numbers to pdf files

3) Generate PDF files in Graysclae

4) Set the Standard options normally set when printing a book

5) Enable/Disable the intelligent shrinking strategy that makes the pixel/dpi ratio none constant

6) Remove/Disable links to external pages on the PDF file

7) Disable webpages to run javascript

8) Disable sponsored logo

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This is a online converter - http://website2pdf.net/ To convert, just have to input the base url address.

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answered by (510 points)

Want to convert your webpage/html to pdf, yes?

Here I recommend you use Calibre. It's free.

Just add webpage files to calibre, then convert it to pdf.

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No avatar answered by (1.1k points)

There are coding also but if you are not tech savy then a PDF converter will easily convert your HTML file into PDF format and moreover this service is free and you can avail it without paying for the software installation.

With just a click of a mouse button, you can easily try and convert the HTML pages to the DPF format. You can even convert word, Microsoft excel, documents of the PowerPoint category, web pages and also email, at the same time. I have used Expert PDF. you can check details here http://www.html-to-pdf.net/free-online-pdf-converter.aspx

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