hacker pro and a detailed explaination on how it works and what I need to do to get it to work among other question.

0 votes
asked by about Yahoo Hacker Pro

Can you please explain how yahoo hacker pro works exactly? What do I need to do and what is everyone talking about when they mention something about a survey? Is there a way to get a password without downloading anything? How does this program figure out the password? Thank you for your help.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (4.5k points)

Yahoo Hacker Pro? It's a fake software. They promise that this software hacks Yahoo! passwords, but when you try to download the software, a survey appears and this survey asks your mobile phone number only to steal your credit. The password doesn't exists, it's not possible to complete a survey on these sites. I hope that you won't try to download anymore a software of this genre... :D

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