Ubuntu does not connect through my D-link USB modem.

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No avatar asked by (14.7k points)
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I have a D-link modem of Model no: DWM-156. I tried to connect to internet via BSNL network D-link modem on Ubuntu 12.04. My network connections are fine. Upon typing


in the terminal window, I found that the D-link device is listed as a CD-ROM. How can I connect to Internet ?

1 Answer

+1 vote
No avatar answered by (193k points)
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Best answer

This error is encountered frequently for D-link USB devices. To fix this, open a terminal window and type:

sudo su

Enter your password and then type the following command to install necessary libraries:

apt-get -y install ia32-libs

Once the process finishes, move on the next step and type the following commands.

mkdir /media/cdrom
mount /dev/srX     /media/cdrom 
  • Replace "X" with 1 or 2 according to the device.

The next step involves in installing the actual drivers and software for the USB device. Open your favorite file manager and access the "CD-ROM".

Open the file dlinkusbmodem.deb and install it. After the process completes, type the following command and wait for response:


At this point you should receive a confirmation message and then your device will connect to Internet.

commented by (14.7k points)
How will i find that what i have to replace with x?
commented by (3.1k points)
When you use mount, you will get a notification if you can mount it or not. Use 1 or 2 and it should work.
commented by (14.7k points)
Ubuntu shows that there is no such file when i type
 apt-get -y install ia32-libs
What can i do?

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