The configuration utility doesn't work.

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asked by about Samsung Easy Printer Manager
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1 - My data is:

  • Printer: SCX-3405 (SN - Z6Y5BQAD800977);
  • Notebook: Samsung RF511-SD6 (SN - HQ479QBC504071);
  • OS: Windows 7- Home Premium, 64 bits, IE 11;
  • EPM current that runs: V. (2012/11/06). 2 - The problem I've downloaded the V. 1.03.73 (2013/10/24 from Samsung website and it didn't run. When I open it to configure the printer, it doesn't show the "device configuration completely", only the screen with the fields in blank.

What should I do?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (79.9k points)

Before you can use the configuration utility for your printer, you first need to install the appropriate driver. You can find it on the official website of the printer. Also, it's advised to download and use the EPM software from the same page to avoid other compatibility issues.

To learn more about the configuration process, check the User Guide that is available on the official page.

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