I can't play GTA Vice City game on Windows 7 Professional

0 votes
asked by
edited by

I have installed GTA vice city Game on my PC with OS Windows 7 Professional. But I can't play the game. Please suggest and provide me the download link to play this game.

6 Answers

+1 vote
answered by (15.6k points)

Try running the game in Windows XP SP1 or ME mode. To do that, right-click on your application, select Properties, Compatibility, Run the program in compatibility mode for... Else, download and install XP Mode, which is a Windows XP emulator for Windows 7. For more information, go to http://www.microsoft.com/windows/virtual-pc/download.aspx

0 votes
answered by (140 points)

I have installed GTA vice city Game on my PC with Windows 7 Professional. But I can't play the game. Please suggest and provide me the download link to play this game. What can I do?

0 votes
answered by (260 points)

Please check the compatibility of the game with your system. Check your system whether it meets the minimum requirements for playing the game or not.

asked Feb 8, 2013
edited Feb 25, 2013 by
GTA Vice City won't run in Windows 7.
0 votes
answered by

when i play gta in my laptop there have showed this error msg..please help me to avoid...

"The program can t start because d3dx9_26.dill is missing fron your computer.try reinstalling the program to fix this problem"

0 votes
answered by

I use the pendrive to play the gta vc,but it can not run the loading.what can i do?

0 votes
answered by (340 points)

Its not a windows problem. check Requirements of GTA Vice City Game.

Windows 98/Me/2000/XP. Intel Pentium IV or AMD Athlon XP processor. 256 MB RAM. 1.5 GB Free Hard Drive Space. 64 MB video card with DirectX 9.0 compatible drivers. DirectX 9.0 compatible sound card with surround sound. Gamepad (USB or Joystick)

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