Advanced Fix 2013 compatibility with Windows 7 64bit Professional.

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Every time I tried starting the Scan, there were more than 1000 errors in the registry. Even if I clean the registry. It seems so, that this program is a fake. If I scan and clean and scan again, it seems so, that all errors were fixed, but when I closed the Advanced Fix 2013 and started again, all my errors were back. Is it a fake?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

Yes, these applications that display so much errors every time they're started are probably fake and they were created only to take your money. In this case, I strongly recommend to remove it from your computer and use a real application to clean the registry errors. Visit CCleaner's application page at Software Informer and download the application. This will work correctly and it should display the errors with accuracy.

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