Firstly, in order to fix the problems, right-click the My Computer/Computer icon, select Manage and open Device Manager. Expand the Universal Serial Bus controllers list, right-click on the driver and press Uninstall. Reboot the PC, connect the station using the USB cable, press Scan for hardware changes icon from Device Manager and wait for Windows to retrieve the drivers. If your Leica product is using a Serial connection, you will need to use a Serial to USB adapter. After that, use the instructions from the official web page and download and install Leica Geo Office Tools. Next, launch the software and select Data Exchange Manager from the Tools menu:

Expand the Serial Ports and right-click on top of the proper COM port. Select Settings, open the General tab and select the second option from the Create field data objects for drop-down list. Open the COM Settings tab, select your Leica product from the Instrument option and click OK. After that, make sure that the device is connected to the computer, turn it on and expand the COM list. You should be able to see the Files and Folders from your station. You can transfer them on your PC by using the drag and drop feature:

If you have problems, I recommend you contact Leica support team.