This application is not working properly. With every single attempt to set a countdown day, the only date that shows on the application is July 4, 2013. Support from CokeSoft is non-existent. Clicking on the support link only brings you to the website. I deleted the application. What I discovered "accidentally" was that it had a lingering effect on my computer. All my folders/files/applications had a "Created" and "Modified" date of July 4, 2013 showing in the "Get Info" window. Working with AppleCare, we went through my whole system, looking for any leftover data from this app. We even erased my hard drive, downloaded a fresh copy of Mountain Lion, and selectively added back files/folders/applications from my backups (seem it affected my Time Machine backups too). Nothing worked. When sharing a screen, the Apple representative said that the dates in my files/folders/applications are correct on his side, so the effect on my side was some kind of data layer, and only the developer would know how to correct this. Where are these developers? Even Apple couldn't find a way to contact them.