Perform a backup of an Android tablet.

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How can I perform a backup for my Acer A500 Android tablet?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (79.9k points)
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Depending on what kind of data you want to back up (SMS, contacts, pictures, music, applications), you will have to use a different application. Android OS doesn't have a backup function, so in order to back up your device, you need to use a proper application. I suggest that you visit the Android Informer website and search for an application that can help you with your problem. There are different applications that can be used for different types of data. Make sure to install and use one that suits you.

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answered by (3.5k points)

A data backup assistant can be helpful, you can transfer the photos, videos or other data from your tablet to pc. And you can also view them on pc,

transfer photos from android to pc.

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