ImageEasy keeps crashing.

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asked by about Image Easy
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I am trying to use ImageEasy ver 1. However, every time I try to open the program, I get a flash card telling me that the program has an error and must find a solution and shutdown, or just shutdown.

The second error I get is it tells me there is an upgrade and presents me with the link (looks like Adobe Air). When I try to download the upgradeб I get an error message that the program has found an error and must shutdown.

I can start it straight from my desktop or run it as administrator, it still gets the errors and shuts down. I've really had very little use out of the program because it always crashes, but I would really like to start using it.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (193k points)
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Try removing the application from the computer, then use CCleaner to clean the registry entries. Make sure that you have latest Visual Runtime installed as well as .NET Framework (4.0 is enough). Then perform a new installation but only after you have deleted the installation folder and any other linked folders for the application.

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