Problems with MS Works Suite Add-in for MS Word

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The problem that I am having with Word when closing (message telling me that global changes have been made, when they have been not) may be related to the presence of MS Works Suite Add-in for MS Word. I do start Works from its Task Launcher.

Is it possible to disable, rather than uninstall, this feature (Add-In) so that I can test Word on closure?

If not, can the Add-In be upgraded (preferred option), as this may solve the problem?


related to an answer for: There's no 'Run' facility.

3 Answers

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answered by (260 points)

Global templates and add-ins

Global templates (.dot or .wll) are the most common form of third-party add-ins. To determine if you are using global templates, click Templates and Add-Ins on the Tools menu.

If any files are listed under Global templates and add-ins, they are usually located in either your Word Startup folder or your Office Startup folder.

To prevent a template from being loaded when Word starts, exit Word and move the template out of its respective Startup folder. If you find more than one file, you should move the files one at a time to determine which file is causing the problem.

NOTE You can also rename the files in the Startup folder; however, you must rename the file extension and not the file name. Otherwise the files will still be loaded but under a different name. If in doubt, move the files; you can move them back into the folder at any time.

HOW TO FIND THE LOCATION OF THE WORD STARTUP FOLDER You can determine where the Word Startup folder is located by using the following steps:

On the Tools menu, click Options. On the File Locations tab, under File types, select Startup. Click Modify. If you are using Word 2000 or earlier, you can view and copy the path in the Folder name text box and paste it in the Address bar in an Exploring window, such as My Computer, to easily navigate to the folder.

For Word 2002 and later, use the following additional steps:

Click Up One Level in the Modify Location dialog box. Right-click the Startup folder, and then click Explore.

HOW TO DETERMINE THE LOCATION OF THE OFFICE STARTUP FOLDER The Office Startup folder is typically located in the installation path for Office. For example, for Office 2003, the installation path is:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\STARTUP

NOTE You can also use Windows Search and search for the file names listed in the Templates and Add-ins dialog box. Some COM add-ins may manually add a global template, in which case using Windows Search is the only means of locating the file.

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