New PC Studio won't run in Windows 8 64bit.

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I've installed Samsung's New PC Studio 1.5 on Samsung laptop R439 with Windows 8 64 bit. It won't run though, the error message being:

FsUsbService64 Service Initiali Failed

How to fix it? Thanks.

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (193k points)
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Both PC Studio version don't have support for Windows 8, but you could try using New PC Studio instead of the old PC Studio version. This is available at the homepage of the developer. Newer phones use Kies which is compatible with Windows operating system. Try to set compatibility to Windows 7 and run the application as Administrator.

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Need to replace Flash.ocx file in folder C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash by the file, taken from Win7 x64 Please, note that files are imposible to delete/replace without special software (e.g. TakeOwnershipEx- After reboot Samsung New PC Studio works and do NOT "exit due to the NPCMain error."

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