Solution 1: Root
The only way to remove these third-party apps would be to root your Android device and receive the Super User status.
Solution 2: Task Killers
Removing a widget: any of these which are displayed on the homescreen can be easily removed by tapping and holding the shortcut of the widget and drop it into the recycle bin.
Removing Apps: Any other application that you might want to “remove” requires the installation of a third-party app called Advanced Task Killer, which can be installed from Google Play. These types of apps will ''kill'' the process from running on your phone and auto-kill the app from starting (booting).
Once you've done this, the app will only be seen in the app drawer, however you reverse the process by going into the settings of your Task killer.
Just because you've ''killed'' the app, it will still take up storage however it won't use any resources.
If the app isn't protected, it can easily be uninstalled with an Uninstaller app.
Or just follow this guide: How to Remove Preinstalled Apps on Android