You can try to do something like this. Go on-line on your computer and make a developer account. Then you should set your computer to allow firewall connections or you can turn it off, but be careful, this is very important. Then go to the Smart TV, access Samsung Apps (on the top) and a log-in page will pop up.
First log in with the account that you just create on-line then log out. Next you need to return to the login page and write in the e-mail section develop, no password and press Create Account. This will create a developer account. It is important not to get confused with the 2 accounts. They are not the same. Next go to More Apps (on the bottom of the screen) -> Options -> IP Settings and you need to type in your IP address. This is also very important and you need to be careful. After you did this just go and press Start App Sync and it will install the applications that you have on your computer in the Smart TV App Sync Folder.