Automatical geotagging images

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asked by about Canon Utilities Map Utility
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I own the Canon 6D and I'm trying to geotag some images. I have the images of eg. April 13, 2013, I have a log file of the same date and the relevant button does not appear to enable the auto geotagging routine. Can you help?

Yours truly, John Prezanis

commented by (100 points)
Thanks Pete, but the point is that the little TAB at the bottom right of the Image list is still NOT visible and it supposedly makes the Auto tagging possible. (p.12 of the manual or the relevant page of the online help).

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (193k points)
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Open the application and import the GPS log files. Then drag and drop all the photos into the program. Once you perform this operation, the software will automatically assign the images based on the EXIF data.

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