Permissions for the Brightest LED Flashlight App.

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asked by about Super-Bright LED Flashlight
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The app looks good, reviews are good, but I have concerns with the required permissions on the Brightest LED Flashlight App, especially in this current information theft world we live in. Please let me know the answers to these questions:

  1. For a flashlight app, why in the world (no pun intended) would you need to know where I was, especially when it's going to use my battery up faster.
  2. You want to be able to modify or delete my files on my memory. What is going to be written to my memory?
  3. Camera: why do you need permissions to take pictures and video? Why would the app have to take pictures or video? That sounds illegal and intrusive.
  4. What is the reason for having access to running apps? What does it matter to you what apps I'm using?
  5. Why would you need to have my phone number or device ID, maybe to send spam to me or to sell my number to telemarketers?
  6. Network access? What are you going to send out on the Internet about my phone, to whom and why?
  7. Why do you need access to my phone?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (193k points)
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These are questions that need to be addressed to the developer of the application since they created the application. You can address these questions to the developer at the following e-mail address:

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