I want to keep a copy of my email address in clipboard.

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about Kopypasta
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On a lot of Internet websites, a little pop-up says "insert a--h@g--l.com". But this isn't happening all the time I need it to. Like at the online course I have to visit several times a day and which is always logging me out. I tried KopyPasta, but it remembers little characters and if you're doing much copying, you go up to select your email address and it's been cycled out. I wish I could have a list of "permanent" pastes that I could keep. Would this be a HotKey functionality? (What does Active and Inactive mean in the KopyPasta window, anyway?)

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (77.9k points)

It's not possible to keep a permanent copy of your email address in the clipboard history because after you restart (shut down) yours system, the clipboard history will be wipe. You can try finding another program that has a larger clipboard memory. Regarding this matter, you can take a look at Paster or Super Copy Paste.

In Kopypasta application, the active status mark the text which is active at a specific moment and will be pasted first. The inactive status mark the piece of text that is currently inactive but can be used.

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