Plaxis 3D Foundation is not recognizing all my layers.

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about Plaxis 3D Foundation Update Pack
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I've modeled an area with seven boreholes in Plaxis 3D Foundation. When I was running the program, I faced the problem: the program removed some of the layers. It seems that Plaxis 3D is only useful for two boreholes and it cannot interpolate between several underground boreholes to draw a complex underground geotechnical section. What can I do? Can I use the new version of Plaxis 3D?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (193k points)
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The software should recognize all your boreholes and layers. There shouldn't be such a limit. I suggest you try uninstalling the program and then installing it again. After that, recreate your project and check if the issue has disappeared. If you still have problems, I recommend you to contact the developers or update the program to the latest version which should fix the error. You can get in touch with the developers using +31 (0)15 2517 720 phone number or email address.

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