I use BlueZone for FTP to my AS/400 and have /qsys.lib as the initial host directory.

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asked by (120 points) about BlueZone FTP
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I use BlueZone for FTP to my AS/400 and have /qsys.lib as the initial host directory. When I connect securely it can take as long as 4 minutes to display the host directory tree, while it takes only a few seconds when I connect unsecured. My AS/400 is a model E4D running V7R1. Has anyone else experienced this problem?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (79.9k points)
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It is normal that the secured connection takes longer than the unsecured one because of the validation and data encryption processes. You can try checking the BlueZone Administrator’s Guide(the BzAdmin.doc file) that is located in the DOCS folder of the BlueZone CD-ROM. There you will find more information on how to optimize the software.

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