How to uninstall Avro Keyboard?

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asked by about Avro Keyboard
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When I tried to uninstall Avro Keyboard it showed a box "Uninstall has detected that Avro Keyboard is currently running. Please close all instances of it now, then click OK to continue, or Cancel to exit." How to do that?

7 Answers

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No avatar answered by (193k points)
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You can press Alt+Ctrl+Delete in order to enter Task Manager. Close Avro Keyboard by selecting the application and clicking on End Task button. Than you can try using Revo Uninstaller. Even if it can't uninstall the application normally, it will force it to uninstall by wiping out all traces of its presence from the system.

After that, try running AdwCleaner to make sure that there are no leftover rogue registry keys or toolbars in your system.

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1st ... press Alt+ctrl+Delete it will through u to the task manager select task manager. left click avro keyboard ...then select " End Task " Now...go to control panel and try to uninstall ... thank u

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avro keyboard is already running on thi sysem and running more than one instance is not allowed .how to uninstall Avro Keyboard ????

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avro keyboard is already running on this system and running more than one instance is not allowed

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Yes, this problem is a common that arises in some cases. But, fundamentally it has a awesome solution. These are to be followed some steps below:

  1. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del
  2. From the option you should press the task manager
  3. Then you will see some task .
  4. Then click the end task as you desired.
  5. Then go to the control panel
  6. From there click the features and programs.
  7. From there you will able to uninstall the expected apps as well. Thank you.
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Neither Control Panel, nor Task Manager show Avra key board

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Follow the process suggested by Md. Sikder above. I followed but still remained stuck.

Then I clicked on more details at the bottom of the Task Manager and found that Avro was even there as background processing. I clicked end Task there also. And finally all Avro instances were totally stopped. I got Avro uninstalled then. Subsequently I got Avro reloaded properly.

Thanks Md Sikder for your guidance.

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