Decrypt a file that was encrypted with another tool.

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about Xceed Encryption Library
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I am using Xceed encryption library to decrypt a file. I've used mechanisms like AES, ECB mode, key 256, SHA hashing, FIPS-91 padding. But, for the encryption process, I've used another tool other than Xceed. Whatever I have encrypted using another language, I am unable to decrypt it using Xceed. Is there something that I can do to overcome this?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (77.9k points)
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You might encounter this behavior because Xceed has not implemented the encryption language that you used to encrypt the file. If this is the case, you won't be able to decrypt your file with Xceed. In this matter, you will need the original tool that has been used. For additional information about Xceed, visit its official website.

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