Serial number for Handmark Solitaire for Palm OS.

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about Handmark Solitaire for Palm OS
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I purchased this program about 10 years ago and I installed it on my Palm pilots (I have 2). I had to reset one and I lost the game. I installed it from my other Palm, but it needed a serial number. I typed the one I had, but it said "Invalid". I cannot reload it on computer and sync it because the new computer does not have a serial port. Also, I don't want to buy a cord. I just need a serial number that is valid. Can you help?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (132k points)
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Handmark Solitaire for Palm OS is an old game developed by PalmSource, Inc. Now, the company is known as Access Systems Americas. In order to receive a valid serial number for your game, you need to contact the developers. You can get in touch with them using the contact form from the official web page.

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