Create a new user/reset a user's password in Gensym

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about Gensym G2 Development


I am a new user of Gensym G2. I was assigned a computer that has Gensym installed, but I don’t have a user name nor password to log into. As instructed in the G2 Reference Manual, I modified the ‘g2.ok’ file to add my name as a new user. However, I was not able to reinstall the ‘g2.ok’ file after I modified it. As per the instructions, I am suppose to reinstall the ‘g2.ok’ file for the changes to take effect. It seems that the ‘g2.ok’ file can only be reinstalled once you are logged into Gensym, which I cannot do because I don’t have my own account set up. Does anyone know how to reinstall the ‘g2.ok’ file, or how to reset a password from an existing user without logging into Gensym?

Thanks I.M.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (140 points)

I.M., this is Davin Cushman, CEO of Gensym. If you are working with an organization that is active on Gensym support, please log a support ticket on our support portal ( as this is straight-forward support issue for which our licensing specialists in support can provide a quick response.

If your organization is not currently active on support (or if you are unsure), please feel free to contact our account management team as we can let you know if you are active on support and because we currently have a program underway that makes it easy for an inactive customer to be welcomed back onto support. Our account management team can be contacted via email (

Best regards.


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