VLC version for Samsung Galaxy Tablet.

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asked by about VLC media player
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I have a Samsung Galaxy 3G tablet. Is there a VLC version for it?

3 Answers

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No avatar answered by (18.7k points)

Hi, Kim. The official VLC app for Android is still in development. But Ive found this unofficial release http://www.androidauthority.com/vlc-android-unofficial-app-review-62674/ try it on your own risk.

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Thank you so much for the information. I will wait until it is oficially released by VLC. Happy July 4th.

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No avatar answered by (132k points)

Yes, there is a VLC Media Player version for Android, but it is in Beta stage. You can download and install it on your device from Google Play Store. Check its official web page for further information. Also, you can check Android Informer database for a similar video player.

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