Step by step to input data

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about SEPL- ESRGSR
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Can you, please, provide me with a worked example of 650 KL INtze tank with Int dia = 14m & Htg of Cylindrical shell = 4m? This tank rests on 18m staging height, seismic zone = 3 & wind speed = 47m/s. Dia of Bottom dome= 9m. Footing may be Rigid Circular raft with SBC=70kn/sqm. I will be really grateful to have this completely analysed and designed using ESR-GSR. Also, there are too many files created with different extensions. What are these files and how are they used?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (193k points)
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It's impossible to provide calculation data because the software is not available for downloading. There are a few files about the software, but the analysis you require needs additional knowledge from this field of work. I believe that the developers of the application can help you better. Use the following email address to contact them:

Note: Make sure you specify the name of the software you're using.

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