процитирую чужой ответ"First of all, I don't think censoring irnetnet sites would stop the crimes to happen. If you don't want to see how cruel people can be, just don't do it, but hide the reality is only done by dictatorships.If one have children and give them access a computer with irnetnet, the responsability for what they are browsing, are from the PARENTS, or anyone who is in charge of the children, Google or Goverments are not supposed to take care of the population children, if you can't control you our children, if you don't want them to browse thses kinds of sites, block the sites using parent control software, of don't have children! Using children as excuses for censorship is disgusting."иными словами ищите иные способы чем просто банитьи помните, что запретный плод сладок.