Cross frame menu using CSS and JS code in only one frame.

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asked by (120 points) about UltraMenu
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I need to build a drop down menu cross frames (page structure all uses the tag). The HTML content from the frames comes from different servers so I can control the JS code from 1 frame only, since the whole solution must be contained in 1 frame only, and then the sub-navigation menu must go over the frames. Do you have a solution for this scenario?

1 Answer

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answered by (264k points)
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No, this specific scenario is not available through the website that deals with JS and CSS. You will have to learn each section of the whole project, meaning: CSS structure, JS manipulation and most of all the iframe function and how to implement it. To do this, use the tutorials on the websites listed through Google. You will find a better way to implement those menus.

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