PFPortChecker says port check is OK, but there is no ping.

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asked by about PFPortChecker
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I installed PFPortChecker because my eMule couldn't see through the ports I forwarded on my router (connection test fails). The program result was:

Ping Result: We were not able to ping your router Port Check Result: The port is OPEN on your computer

If I test another random port, the program has the same ping result but says that the port is CLOSED.

So it seems ping result has some effect. What does it mean? How can I correct it?

A note: I am connected wireless to my router, I don't know if it has some effect.

1 Answer

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answered by (264k points)

The router might not respond to ping because in the Firewall section the ICMP is blocked, even if it comes to a local computer. Access the router's administration page, and then disable the Firewall or permit the ICMP packages to be received. Additionally, reboot the router and then try again and it should work. I have used the software and it's working just fine.

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