I can't use it due to an Encryption Lock error.

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyzer
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After the installation of this software, I'm getting an error message saying "Can not find your Encryption Lock, please insert into". What can I do?

6 Answers

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No avatar answered by (132k points)

In order to solve the issue, uninstall the application, temporarily disable the security program, reinstall the software and add it to antivirus trust list. After that, right-click on the Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyzer launcher and select Run as Administrator option. Check the official web page for further details.

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you have to use the white flashdisk that they has been given to you.. that flashdisk has a password for the encryption lock.. that's why the command says "please insert" so, make sure to insert that flashdisk when you open the application :)

asked May 5, 2016 by NHAT CHINH
edited May 13, 2016 by
How can I buy a flashdisk again?
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Hi, please I followed all the suggestions given, even those on the main website yet I'm getting the same error message

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usb not recognised please solve my problem

my quantum magnetic analyzer sahi ho jaye 4.0 hai mera

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Im having the same issue of USB not recognised. If I go to settings >> Bluetooth & other devices it is listed there but does not come up under USB.

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this has loaded in Portuguese!!! I happened to be in Portugal when I eventually got it working, but the software is all in Portuguese, yet the laptop is a UK one and running in English.

Does anyone know how I can change the language please

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Can someome help me with quantum Magnetic Analyzer software. I need 2nd generation software. version 2.1.4. My email amedrayyan@gmail

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