Where do I find the IP address for using Video Server E out of home?

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about Video Server E
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Where do I find the IP address for using Video Server E out of home?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

The IP address of the Video Server E is actually the IP of the computer. If you're using LAN and the IP is set to a local one, then you will have to forward the IP and the port in the Forwarding menu. The forwarding menu can be accessed from the Administration interface on your router.


IP of Video Server E: (internal) External IP: Port of Video Server E: 1234

In the Forwarding interface, it needs to look like this:

Forwarding mode: TCP & UDP IP: Internal port: 1234 External port: 1234

After this operation, you will have the possibility to access the Video Server E at the following IP Address:

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