Why can't I play a DVD after installing this product?

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asked by about Sonic CinePlayer DVD Pack
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Why can't I play a DVD after installing this product?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

This is a set of codecs used to play DVDs in Windows Media Player 11. If you have another version, it will not work, however, if you still encounter issues with this application, try installing VLC. You will have better support and you will not need any driver at all since everything is built-in.

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answered by (1.3k points)

VLC is always the best media players for most media types which I installed on my pc as well and set it as the default. Windows can't play Blu-ray, neither does VLC. So a Blu-ray player software is also needed. http://download.cnet.com/Macgo-Windows-Blu-ray-Player/3000-13632_4-75453680.html?tag=mncol%3B9

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