Questions on Low Level Format.

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about Hard Disk Low Level Format Tool
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I have 3 questions:

  1. I would like to know why it is not suggested to use Low Level Format for newer HDs?Does it means that the created new sectors are less “magnetically reliable” with respect to those created by the manufacturer? Are they subject to become more rapidly "exhausted"?
  2. I read that the low level format (LLF) recovers also the reallocated sectors, but this does not appear in the HD SMART information because the SMART information cannot be modified. Is there a way to verify that the reallocated sectors have been recovered after a LLF?
  3. Which is the physical reason why, after the LLF, you can have a "loss in the HD capacity"?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

The Low Level Format wasn't recommended in the past. The hard disks released nowadays are fully compatible to low level format with the official tools released by the manufacturers. I have used Low Level Format for my Western Digital hard disk and everything was fine. The sectors were in their place, the capacity was assigned as full and as it was. The reallocated sectors come from places of the hard disk that are damaged. If you see that number increasing rapidly, then the hard disk could crash at any time.

There is no loss in capacity after a complete LLF. Also, keep in mind that LLF won't have an impact on the driver's capacity and performance. You'll practically restore it to factory condition.

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